This journey ain’t easy - how my allergies help me strive for better

I have struggled with allergies my entire life. From infancy, I suffered from eczema, later accompanied in childhood with asthma, seasonal allergies and some food allergies. I grew up with a modified lifestyle and diet. 

To this day, I use scentless body soaps, all-natural moisturizers and particular hair products. I eat minimal dairy due to lactose intolerance – I was drinking non dairy milk before it was popular.

I am allergic to coconut and have a wheat allergy. However, my doctors wanted to give me more tests before COVID-19. I will let you know the results. I get allergy tested every other year, and the list is always long. 

My wheat allergy has been the most difficult for me. Although it causes painful, itchy skin flares, headaches, muscle aches, and probably other issues I have not correlated, I love baked goods. I do not eat them super often, but if a delicious brownie, muffin or chocolate chip cookie is around, I do what I call the itch test. I say to myself, “Is this worth the itch that will last some days and bring on an immediate headache?” Sometimes I choose the itch! I know it’s horrible, but I have been working hard on it. Sometimes I am really disciplined and choose my health and best self. But sometimes I cave and choose the tasty treat that is going to cause some significant discomfort. 

I have eczema on my hands, neck, scalp and sometimes stomach. My eczema has gotten so bad at times, I would leak (super gross I know) for months (before being diagnosed) from the hands, earlobe, armpit and neck. It was absolutely horrible and humiliating. The wheat allergy flares. causes hives on top of my already existing eczema. 

Once I discovered that wheat, coconut, processed sugar and stress were the culprits, I try every day to mediate the impact these ingredients have on my health. I try to choose other grains that are not wheat nor have gluten. I try to drink a lot of water daily, as hydration is key to an excellent digestive system, moisturizes the skin and scalp, and so much more. I choose vegan cheeses and plant-based milks (usually I make them). Lastly, I strive to do better than I did yesterday and prepare to do better tomorrow. Sometimes I do great! Sometimes, I can do better. 

I always want to be transparent. No one is perfect, and choosing your best and healthiest self is NOT easy! I will never tell you, all you have to do is this super easy “fill in the blank.” Choosing the best version of you is never easy. It requires self-love, a clear view of your “why” and a laser focus on your goal. 

The journey to wellness is a tough one with ups and downs. I always tell my clients and myself that we are not shooting for perfection. We are shooting for better and better – one day, sometimes one hour – at a time. It’s okay to have a setback; it’s okay to have two or three setbacks. What is not okay is choosing to quit fighting for the best you. 

The great thing about my allergy journey is that it caused me to choose a healthier lifestyle. I have become pretty darn good at making recipes and giving lifestyle guidance to myself and others who suffer from various eating restrictions. Lastly, I am obtaining a master’s degree in nutrition and wellness that will help provide the knowledge base to give the best and most accurate service. So, choose to fight every day, and I will do the same for me and you.

With Love,