Our Services

Wellness Consulting:

I will join you on your journey to becoming your healthiest and well self by assessing where you are in your journey, create a customized plan to execute your way to optimal wellness. Your customized wellness program will help you develop, apply and sustain health habits.

Corporate Wellness Consulting:

Employees are at their best when they are their healthiest selves! I can host cooking demos, create customized wellness programs for your team and recommend easy to apply healthy tips that will make a huge impact on the wellness of your workplace!

Nutrition Education one on one and groups:

Need to know the basics and most nutrient dense food to eat? I love getting in the nutrition info weeds and the more I
learn the more I share, let’s dig-in together! I offer guided grocery shopping trips and list, customized recipes, and live nutritional instruction.

Nutritional Consulting:

It is all about customization! Every food journey will not work for
you, lets create the best healthy eating strategy that works for your body!

Cooking Classes:

Executive Lifestyle Advisement:

Together we will execute your Holistic Healthy Leader strategy by creating a customized Well Leader Program that will address your professional and leadership development, nutrition, physical health and metal health. In this phase we provide you with a team that includes LB Morris Consultants and specialists in professional development, personal development and mental health so that you are provided with the tools to be well rounded in your wellness. These tools will equip you to reach your fullest potential and become your healthiest and well self!

Faith Based Wellness Programs:

Faith Filled people:
We believe the key to optimum wellness for Faith filled people is for them to combine a healthier lifestyle with their faith. At LB Morris Consults we will create a customized Food Faith Strategy program that will assist you in becoming your healthiest self to serve God at your best!
Faith Filled Leaders:
As excellent leaders, we can neglect to care for ourselves as we care for God’s people. L.B. Consults equips leaders with tools and strategies to nurture our journeys to being the best leaders and champions for God’s people we can be!
Fasting Forward:
Is your faith-based community planning a fast? LB Morris consults can assist you with leading your community on a nutritionallyand faith based fast that will not only glorify God but accommodate health conditions and assist them with creating sustainable healthy habits. Fighting for God’s love in the world is more effective when His people are well!Looking to transition your faith-based community to incorporate healthier choices? I can help with that! God’s people are at their best when they are well! I can host cooking demos, create faith focused health plans for your community and help them create sustainable habits that will
make a huge impact on their work for God!