How I found purpose in myself and not the job

I have always known I had a purpose, but my husband used to call me Job from the Bible. Why? Because it seemed as if I was always running from something, something big that God was asking me to do. 

Now don’t get me wrong, I heard God speak to me as a child on what he wanted me to do. But as an adult, it seemed as though I could not find something that fit quite right. Every job I worked, something was missing. 

One thing I did know is that I wanted to do good in the world. I wanted to please God so much that I wanted a job to serve people so that I could serve Him every day. Although I personally remained active in politics, I graduated from college as soon as the recession hit. Consequently, I did not get paid consistently to work in my field of political science for a very long time. I worked in hospitality, administration, a non-profit that turned out to be a scam, state and local politics, on many political campaigns and in public health. I only really loved the jobs in politics – the rest, not so much.

I spent many years looking for the perfect job to make me happy, to make me feel complete or like I was walking in my purpose. I was trying to figure out how I could contribute to the world. I always knew I had gifts that needed to be shared, I just did not always know how. 

I have learned that what God has given us innately is most likely what He created us to do, to be. This is not an actual occupation, but the gift applied in a said occupation that benefits people or society. We often do not recognize these gifts because they come so easily to us that we take them for granted. 

My previous jobs in politics, public health, non-profit and even hospitality all had one thing in common – advocacy.

I am an advocate. Which is why politics seemed like such a natural fit. I fought daily for the betterment of people who could not do it themselves, and I loved it. I also did that in every capacity I ever served in, even in ministry. Because of this, which is what made life so confusing, there were aspects of every job I had that felt like purpose. But I felt defeated because I felt like my gifts were not being used adequately. I could not grow. I felt unseen and dimmed. However, no matter how minuscule it seemed, I knew my mere presence at my jobs helped me advocate for healthier people. 

In whatever I do, whatever path I travel, my purpose is to advocate for God’s people. I felt lost and confused because I thought a job was the purpose. However, it’s the purpose that gets implemented through the job. Each job taught me how to advocate in different capacities. I always had a purpose, I just learned how to apply it where needed. 

With that said, do not get caught up in the title. Do not get distracted by the job position. Are you living and walking in the purpose you were created to be, to do? If you write a lot in your job, your purpose may be to communicate thoughts that many find difficult to convey. If your job requires you to do a lot of reports and analytical things, your purpose may be to strategize, execute thoughts, implement logistics and make ideas tangible to reach goals. If people tend to laugh, smile, or feel better after interactions with you, your purpose may be to bring joy to others. 

You are not the job. You are not the title. You are the purpose that underlines and holds the foundation of said position. To do this to its fullest capacity, you need to be the healthiest you. The healthiest you will ensure that you are well and have the stamina for the missions and tasks placed on your life. 

So, I am here to fight with you and advocate for you so that you can be the best version of yourself. I am here to accompany your journey to the healthiest you. I am in your corner advocating for you to feel your best and eat your best, so you can do your best and walk in the purpose God has for you.